Keep Calm and Do Bootcamp

Last night I headed to the gym to do my first work for Best Body Bootcamp. I wore my new Polar FT40 and race shirt and was ready to hit the ground running.

Sadly, a little move called Scorpion kicked me on my butt. Second exercise in and I already felt out of place. And while Tina so graciously provided modifications for the move, I was bum and didn’t bother to check it while I was scoping out the workout. So I replaced the move with jackknives, to keep the workout rolling. The rest of the training went great. My husband came by and corrected on stance once and I really felt the difference. Thanks, love 🙂

I also felt the difference this morning! I’m not hurting, but acutely aware of the muscles that I worked last night. It’s a great feeling, truthfully. I’m not the greatest at creating strength routines, and I often leave the gym feeling like I didn’t do much. So not the case last night. I was dripping with sweat and I was TIRED!

I’m also in love with the Facebook group. Lots of encouragement and tips! I can’t wait for the next few months– it’s going to be great. I’ll be doing a “best of/worst of” post on Friday– just to talk about my favorite moves, highlights of the week and what I’m not really feeling.

Are you doing BBB? Tell me about your first day! If not, what move kills you at the gym?

5 Responses to “Keep Calm and Do Bootcamp”

  1. 1 angienewton October 22, 2012 at 11:49 pm

    Way to go, Jayme! So proud of you for not giving up on the move and adding in something you could do. I’m on a personal training plan with Tina so that Scorpion thing is not on my workout. I think I’m thankful for that after all I have heard LOL

    This is my 3rd round of bootcamp with Tina. Love it! The FB group is awesome.

  2. 2 Alissa October 23, 2012 at 12:21 am

    I definitely had to do the modified scorpions! I really need to increase my core strength, but we will be able to do it if we keep at it!

    I loved the workout too! I was exhausted by the end of it!

  3. 3 balancingonhoney October 23, 2012 at 12:45 am

    I am sure everyone in the gym was amused with my sloppy scorpions! There is definitely room for improvement :p

  4. 4 fromfltond October 23, 2012 at 1:07 am

    I can promise you that Scorpions will get easier as you develop core strength! Hang in there and good luck with the veggies too!:)

  5. 5 Corrie Anne October 24, 2012 at 4:32 am

    Scorpions sound hard. I’m really bad at pushups!

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Jayme (Racing Dreams and Veggie Schemes)

Jayme (Racing Dreams and Veggie Schemes)

Actively working on a healthier life. Pursuing my fitness dreams and choking down a side of veggies at each meal. Married to Jordan. Teacher of wee folks. Lover of kickboxing, races, reading, photography and a mutt named Beesly. Questions? Email me at

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